
Fun at the beach...

...at Waiwera.
walking really fast while taking this shot
ocean view
me itching my way XD
well not really just a weird pose
pablo junior leading

before the tide gets higher
love this, so serene.

Miss Emily Brown- by Alexander Shahmiri

I would love to share this with you:

ASTW Presents | Miss Emily Brown | The Diary Of Amy Briggs from A Story Told Well on Vimeo.

This is from Alexander Shahmiri's photography blog




A lot of stories to tell
From all those years gone by
Remember all those sweet memories
You can no longer hold of
But sing me a lullaby
That will make this moment
Last forever.

We watched The Green Mile yesterday and we're up until 12.30am . It was a night. Such an emotional film.I cried. My friends cried in the movie The Notebook but I didn't. Maybe I cried because of the sleepiness or maybe I was emotionally attached.

Oh, I also watched Daylight [again] and considering I'm the only one watching it I cried as well.I didn't before because there's too much noise made by my siblings and just couldn't quite keep my focus on.

All the unfairness in the world, when would it stop?

We each owe a death — there are no exceptions — but, oh God, sometimes the Green Mile seems so long.-Paul Edgecomb


Cornwall park moment

I choose you so why don't you choose me, too?
Being with nature makes me happy,see?

Finding that last piece to fill my dream

Jolly good jump!


Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you

{quotation-unknown author}


One of the places that I want to visit when I grow older is Paris.

~We can achieve anything as long as we put our minds into it.~

This is a necklace I bought yesterday . Also, one of the necklaces that I really love , well next to the horseshoe necklace my grandma gave me.

Here's my brother water sliding {in our garden} :D

taken in the afternoon
taken by: me
processed by: me
I used Photoscape to edit this photo.
Btw this is my brother , Pablo.
Thanks guys for viewing ! I really do appreciate it~

It's summer so we had a splash! {and some random bits}

Hello it's about 6.44 pm now~

It's no surprise that I woke up at about 9 or 10 in the morning again , it's vacation time so why not?

Me , mom and dad went to have some {food} shopping again ..yeah we {or they} do that every weekend . "We shouldn't deprive ourselves of food"

We bought food , you know the usual stuff (chocos, nuts,bread,meat, and some fruits and veggies) :D

My brother wanted to do some water sliding using the sale priced item they bought like months ago.

I joined with the water sliding - hahaaa it was fun though playing like a little kid again, being immature.

I went to the park and rode the bike with my sister~ it's summer and I want to make the most of it unlike last year , I just stayed home being "afraid" to go under the sun and play like crazy. (my sister's lucky she didn't have another bike "accident")

Oohh and I knew a word yesterday - it's silhouette. It's an outline , dark over light background or object or something , something about fashion ,etc. Now I now what it means so when I take a picture that is silhoutted I can tag it like that . to be put in my Flickr photostream.

Just now {6.55} there's this [sick] bird my mom's holding . We've been like a bird nursery here for months. We're being nice , see?

My dad fixed my Kodak digi cam , yay!!! I dropped it about a year ago or less and 2 or 3 months ago it stopped working not sure about the cause but me dropping it could be what caused it. here's the picture of my camera~

But now I'm really happy because I can take more pictures . They let me now about the camera being fixed this morning when I woke up.

Hahaaa I'm being random again.
